Chapter 1107

In the world of showbiz, it was only natural for actresses within the same age group to be compared. Nicole Aspen, a former star of teen dramas, had successfully transitioned her career and managed to sweep almost every mainstream award before reaching the age of thirty. On the other hand, Bella Young, despite attempting a career shift, found herself confined to the realm of teen dramas. The rivalry between their respective fan bases had been ongoing, and Bella's fans had always come up short.

Winning awards served as a clear way to establish dominance in these fan wars, and Bella lacked any acting accolades to wield as ammunition. What could her fans possibly use to level the playing field?

However, things took an unexpected turn with the official announcement of the drama series, Twinkling Lights. Bella's fans finally had something to boast about. They flooded social media with triumphant posts and tweets, even going so far as to leave snide comments on Nicole's social media pages. Naturally, Nicole's fans were far from pleased, prompting one of her devoted followers to take it upon themselves to write a lengthy post in the afternoon:

[Let me share a story with you. A and B were the best of friends. They both auditioned for a particular role, and their appearances were a perfect fit for the character. However, during the audition, A s performance outshone B's, ultimately securing her the role. B, happy for her friend,

suggested they celebrate with a drink.

being heavily intoxicated. The next morning, she woke up in a hotel room naked. Finding no visible signs of sexual assault, she didn't think much of it and carried on with her work, eagerly

found herself facing the exposure of compromising photos. These pictures depicted her having sex with a married man, and she instantly became the target of public criticism.

photos were taken at the same hotel where she had gotten drunk that night. Determined to uncover the truth, she confronted B. However, B claimed to be unaware of the situation and avoided A,

online backlash, combined with the enormous financial burden, pushed A into a severe mental breakdown. Her depression resurfaced, and her family convinced her to leave the entertainment industry and seek treatment. During this difficult time, B posted

committed suicide by jumping off

story sound familiar to you? Well, the incident involving Stella Jewell

In order to

cushion and fell directly. I mean, Stella must have been incredibly strong to push Bella a meter away from

were supposed to adjust their positions based on the actors' movements. Strangely enough, the crew member positioned on the left, who was supposed to handle the cushion for Bella, seemed more like a mere spectator. While the crew member on the right had already moved forward, the one on the left remained frozen, as if

indeed revealed that Stella was the one who pushed Bella, it would be advisable to take Stella to a research institute for further investigation. Who knows, they might uncover extraordinary abilities in her,

post was published, Nicole's fans propelled it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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