Chapter 156

When Stella came to, she was already in the hospital.

Meanwhile, Felicity had dozed off in front of her

Just as Stella was about to move, she noticed an IV needle in her arm. There was an IV drip above her head, slowly dripping the contents downward and flowing into her body


When Stella opened her mouth, she realized her throat was dry and in pain. She could not help but cough a few times.

The sounds of her cough startled Felicity, and she immediately woke up

“You’re finally awake, Stella’ You scared me to death What happened to you? Why’d you suddenly faint?” she asked in a panic

Clearly, Felicity still did not know about last night’s events. However, Stella could not explain things right now She quickly asked, “Where’s Keegan?”

man named ‘Snyder’ called me. He told

What about Keegan” thought

closed her eyes. She

I remember. He was

“Where’s my phone, Felicity?”

“Right here.”

didn’t try switching it on, so I don’t know if

Sure enough, there were multiple cracks

fighting off those attackers last night,’

phone’s power button. Thankfully, everything was fine other than

had sent her last night, telling her to go to his

All of her unread messages were

She felt disappointment slowly creep

before she finally exited the call

Felicity nodded

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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