Chapter 89

[She’s not what you guys think. She is a straightforward person. She plasters everything on her face. You can literally look right through her.] Marshall texted in the group chat.

Vermont’s curiosity grew even more prominent. [What kind of magical powers does this woman hold that made you give her high praises after only meeting a few times? I must have a look at this woman to see if everything you said is true. Could she really be as magnificent as you say she is?]

[Don’t scare her.] Marshall replied.

“Tsk,” Vermont let out a sneer. [Why are you still so petty? I just want to have a look.]

[Did I ever stop you from looking at anything before?] Marshall asked.

Before Vermont could answer, Keegan interjected the conversation. [Probably you being naked.]

were kids, everyone would compete in shooting their pee the furthest. Yet, you covered up like a little girl. So… I

for a while. [Vermont,

to him! I like girls, okay?!] Vermont had no choice but to eat his own words. He then quickly changed the subject. (Aurora

a younger sister to me. Surely, she’ll acknowledge this sooner or later

as Keegan arrived at the charity event, Vermont greeted him with a drink. “My ears will fall off

of alcohol that Vermont had handed to him and started to scan around the room. A celebrity sang on stage while the crowd danced around under the

are you looking for?”


know she

frowned. “Didn’t she come in here with

I saw her. I thought you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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