Chapter 374

A light gray tarp was covering the safe. There were dishes on it, as Shelley used it as a dining table. Shelley said, “Your mom gave it to me a month before she got into the accident. She said some critical documents and ledgers for the company were stored inside. I was told to keep it safe no matter what and not to disclose it to anyone. The things inside were vital to her; she would find time and get them back. But she got into an accident before she could come and

retrieve it.

Shelley sighed, “I intended to send them to your father after something happened to your mother. Yet, he had a horrible tone when I mentioned your mother on every phone call and hung up before we could even communicate. Hence, I did not bring it up again. If you hadn’t asked me about it, I would have totally forgotten about this.”

After Stella’s mother had an accident, Albert was focused on dealing with the company. He even wanted to give up a few times. Stella was not surprised that he was preoccupied during the phone calls. Stella stared at the safe momentarily before asking, “Did my mom say anything else when she handed this to you?”

“Not quite. She seemed to be in a hurry then and didn’t look very well either. It could be something important,” Shelley replied.

seemed like Shelley did not know anything else beyond that. Stella

of course. It was your mother’s. I’ll find Cecilia to help load it in your

hundred thousand to the orphanage’s account. Keegan came home to find Stella sitting in the living room with a safe in front

was frightened, so she turned off the electric drill and frowned. “Trying to open the

one were forcibly destroyed, it would automatically activate the second one. So you have to unlock the first lock

this safe would never be opened. Stella narrowed her brow and asked, “What about a

“Where’ve you stolen this

corner of Stella’s mouth

don’t know your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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