Chapter 419

Keegan pursed his lips. 'She said she went to the washroom at two-thirty. While standing at the end of the corridor, I saw her pass by the multimedia room when she went to the washroom. And yet, none of this is shown in the footage.

'It's obviously altered.

'How could she do this in such a short time? Is she working with somebody else?'

Keegan shut his eyes. Then, he thought about the time that he met bumped into Marshall during the event and how he appeared in the video. 'It can't be a coincidence, right?'

In the western suburbs, Trevor was scrolling through the online news on his tablet while lying on the recliner as he flatly said, "What's happening with the Jewell family now could be made into a TV series."

Xavier replied, "I'm pretty surprised too. I never thought that Sophia could actually be Albert's biological daughter."

everybody know about this at this time? She probably knows it'll

it that Keegan Kane got very close with an actress


never mess around with an actress.

the same person that Keegan left with when he got married, and there were a lot of witnesses too. Besides, Ms. Stella is somewhat a

didn't have to do something which serves no one's interests. Judging by the way things are going now, there are more people criticizing Vinci Rivera, and not Sophia.

think of any other company that can compete with the Vinci Rivera Group. Nobody would want a piece of the pie that they're not interested in

stroked his chin. "What if, the pie is

it possibly be

Trevor kept quiet.

like this. There's a


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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