Chapter 670

Keegan watched the live broadcast on a screen in a room next door. He pursed his lips without saying anything.

That was his first-time seeing Stella dance like that.

Actually, she would sometimes dance in his house. Her best habit was making time daily to stretch her legs and practice basic dancing moves. She would dance on a whim, but the choreographies were mostly nothing serious. For example, she would mimic alien, frog prince, or panda man dancing...

Stella would ask Keegan to stand beside her when she did that. Then, she would play the animated cartoon choreography on the television while following the steps and making those weird moves on the other side of the screen.

Keegan paid little attention to viral videos, so he felt very strange when he first saw Stella doing that. However, she could dance almost exactly the same as the cartoons on television. He still had the video of her wearing a full yellow outfit while doing the alien dance on his phone.

dancer said that even though the dance might look very simple, it required very high body coordination, and only a


humblest character in the world. But, perhaps, she was only pretending to be humble to wow the crowd later on. After

gathering with her old classmates, some ladies would show off how capable

tell them that her husband was just an ordinary man with a small

Also, she would put on the most expensive

Stella would always prefer to prove it

Kane got this," Aldor said, “Look at the

at him with a

Aldor was speechless.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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