Chapter 668

Stella paused and swept her gaze across her. ’We'll soon find out which one of us has better skills. As for men, I'm sure you haven't slept with any men I've been with."

Then, she looked at her belly. "When are you due?"

Bella felt very embarrassed, but Stella already went around her to go into the audition room. The script that Stuart's assistant gave her was only a page long, and it was set in the school's dancing studio.

Georgia just won first place in the youth dance competition of Sresport. Her classmates started talking about it. All of them thought that the competition was rigged, and they were all on Lexi's side. Georgia interrupted them and argued with Lexi after hearing their conversation from outside. Then, they started competing in front of everyone. Georgia would then make a mistake and made fun of.

Stella quickly memorized her lines and said to Stuart. "Can I start now?"

Stuart nodded. Then, he paused and said, "Bella, come and join her. You'll only have a few lines." "Sure,’ Bella said before gazing at Stella. Then, she took the script from Stuart.

their classmates thought Lexi did better because Georgia made a few obvious

her grandfather was a very influential man too. So, everyone guessed that the competition was rigged,

of them thought

it and complained about how unfair it

an underprivileged household. She could only study in this school because she

receive three thousand dollars as the prize. It was a huge amount back in the nineties. It would be enough for her

was burning with rage after Georgia got first place instead

Does she really think that she can dance better? She wouldn't have gotten so many votes if it was not for her family after doing that sidekick wrongly." "Yeah. The judges would know how horrible that mistake if they

Did you see how arrogant she looked after winning? She

"Bang!" The studio was kicked open right after that. Everyone was shocked. Then, they put on a strange look

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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