Chapter 478

Stella drove around the streets and finally pulled up in front of a small bar.

When a person is extremely depressed, alcohol is something excellent for resolving these emotions.

Stella was a heavy drinker. However, even someone good at holding their liquor could not stand mixing red wine, white wine, and beer.

She drank them hurriedly and did not eat anything. The bar owner initially thought he had gotten good business. However, as Stella drank more and more, the bar owner started to get nervous.

He was worried that she would drink too much and get in trouble.

And so, after she finished her alcohol and wanted more, he did not give her any.

"Miss, you've already had a lot to drink. Why don't you order something to eat? We have a really delicious beef stir-fry."

"I'm not hungry," Stella said as she propped up her head. Her cheeks had turned red, and she looked a little drunk. However, she still spoke coherently.

"Give me another bottle of alcohol."

to help drive you home? How will you go home if you get drunk later? Your

a family," Stella

so nobody will wait for

could not help but counsel her. "Even so, you shouldn't do this to yourself. Your mother would feel so

poured her a glass of water. "There’s no hurdle that cannot be overcome in life. Drink up and

not ask for any more alcohol. She slowly drank the glass of water. When the bar owner saw how she seemed to be in an alright state, he went to serve

and saw that she had fallen asleep slouched over

but she did not hear it at all. The bar owner called out to

rights case. That night, he reviewed some of the evidence collected

answered was not Stella but the voice of


was startled,

to a customer in my bar. She had too much to drink and has fallen

frowned. "You're saying

Could you come over and pick her up? I'm about to close the bar in

"What's your shop address?"

bar owner quickly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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