Chapter 811

Daryl tapped the answer button and placed the phone on the phone holder in front of the two.

When the call connected, Stella saw two old people appear on the phone screen. They were sitting upright on a couch while holding concert signs of her.

Trevor held the phone and said, "Grandpa, grandma. Look who's here?’

Stella opened her mouth. Suddenly, she thought of a question. She whispered to Trevor, "Trevor, how should I address them?"

"We’re around the same age, so just follow how I address them."

And so, Stella immediately smiled with her eyes.

"Hello, grandpa and grandma. I'm Stella."

The couple could not help but almost reveal her true identity after they heard her call them 'grandma" and ’grandpa."

Her big, bright eyes and that pretty nose; she's practically the spitting image of Freesia," they

If his wife had not pinched him on his back, he

"Lovely. Lovely. How lovely."

emotions. Her old-sounding voice revealed the passage of time she had

even more

her straightforward compliment, "You're also very elegant,

completely gray, and her hands were covered in wrinkles, she had an air of elegance. She had the sign in one of her hands while her other hand was gracefully placed on her knee; she looked gentle and


Hall Sr. looked like an honest man. He had thick brows and big eyes; he looked incredibly dignified

so sweet of you," Mrs. Hall Sr. was delighted. She smiled and stared at the person on

her family; on the other, she asked about her childhood. Then, she also asked if Stella had

honestly but also in

me also

could not be in the camera. Mrs. Hall

speak for a long time. Did I stop

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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