Chapter 1033

Keegan froze for a moment as his expression turned serious. Then, he picked up the photo and took a closer look at it.

The child in that photo, about four to five years old, wore a little dress and looked extremely upset. Although the child's hair looked long, it seemed like a wig was attached to the hat.

The child was holding a pink leopard toy beside a swimming pool. The pool tiles were of an old-fashioned grid pattern, and there was a small duck that could spray water.

Keegan paused and remembered that the place was Orchid Garden Residence-Trevor'sold house.

Keegan went there with his father many times when he was younger.

Trevor fooled him into believing the duck would spin once he sat on it. He sat on it and ended up wetting his pants all over.

Trevor had always been mischievous since he was young.

a photo of Stella as a child that she brought to his house after marrying him, and he realized that the "little girl" in

only noticeable difference was Trevor's

Instead, whenever she took a photo, even when she was crying, she would still force a smile on her face. So, that was clearly not

Finally, he connected the dots and included information about the medical staff

opened his eyes abruptly and said, "Ms. Hall... Trevor's biological mother. When did she

and it took him a

look so much alike when they were young, but she also shared the same birthday as Trevor's late younger

not be pure

observing what the Saun family had been doing and how much Wenham spoiled Stella, they probably already thought

related to

This is... unbelievable.'

always composed, could not accept that possibility

always be more defined and prominent. Also, the

able to notice it. Aldor figured that he would never make such a connection if Keegan never saw a photo of Trevor when

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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