Chapter 979

Ian deleted his social media account after dating Irene. She gave him the money to become a gallery artist and invested a lot of cash to make him a young painter.

People from the circle knew that Ian was a waiter at Sapphire Clubhouse, but no one ever mentioned it, mainly because they could not afford to offend Irene. However, Keegan was not afraid. He could not stand Molly slandering Stella, so he exposed her family's secrets.

Molly immediately felt embarrassed after that. Seeing Marshall had no intention to speak up for her, Molly gritted her teeth and argued, "That's not the same thing. Ian graduated from the Silver Academy of Fine Arts. He only worked at Sapphire Clubhouse to earn extra pocket money."

Keegan swirled his glass and said, "Do you have any idea how much the waiters at Sapphire Clubhouse get paid?

You're a regular. I'm sure you can see why those people work there. Do you really think he was there to earn some pocket money? You're such a liar that you're starting to believe your own lies."

Everyone was shocked. Although Keegan was rude at times, he was rarely this harsh. 'Did he have too much to drink?' they thought.

going on. He coughed and tried to smooth things over, "Don't mind him. He's had too much to drink.

sullen face. Her expression was extremely ugly after being confronted by Keegan. She did not even want to attend Duncan's wedding in the

When Aurora called her to ask about it, Irene overheard

used his work as an excuse to reject them. Unsurprisingly,

happy since she was forced to be there. But, looking at the woman, she was even more upset because of

you teach at?" Molly casually

Louis High

"Coincidentally, I have a friend who works there. His name is

don't. Are you sure he works there? I don't recall a Joshua

expression and said, "Oh. It must be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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