Chapter 972

However, the crowd got even more excited. Then, Vermont said with a smile, "You should've just answered the question

I asked you just now."

Keegan looked down and tore off the paper slowly. Then, he said while everybody was looking at him expectantly, "I choose to drink."

The crowd was suddenly filled with disappointed sighs.

They were expecting to hear some exciting gossip, but Keegan had let them down.

On the other hand, Stella was relieved.

To be honest, she did not like to talk about their private affairs in front of the public regardless of their gender as she thought that it was a form of respect for the couple.

However, Keegan, the unfortunate man, was picked for the third time before Stella could sit back.

The crowd went silent this time.

They had seen unlucky people, but none of them could come close to him.

fun. "You should choose dare this time. Otherwise, you'll have to

a very stubborn man, and he picked truth

into the box and drew

could not help but laugh after reading it. He was amazed

very curious, so she quickly asked Vermont," What question did he

unfolded it in front of everyone. "Are you eighteen

did not understand it. "What

Felicity and whispered something into her ears. Felicity's gaze

there, and all of them knew exactly what that question was asking about. They smiled knowingly and

wine silently at the side, and Keegan understood what she

state that a player can't skip two questions in a row. So,

Keegan was speechless.


face seemed to be saying, "Go ahead. I'm

God himself would not be able to help such

his lips and said,

yourself or your wife did? Is this based on before or after? You're not

it," Keegan said to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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