Chapter 900

[Take a look at the goddamn mirror. I'm the one who has been cleaning up after you all these years. You have no skills in writing historical dramas, yet you still do it. Can you at least do some research before coming up with your bullshit scripts? And, how dare you ask me who the historical figures in my version are? I clearly stated them in my work. Are you fucking illiterate???]

The group chat was silent. [Show some respect, Felicity.] The screenwriter wrote in anger.

[Respect my ass! Are you even worthy of respect? You hold meetings where your assistants brainstorm ideas because you have absolutely no talent whatsoever. You take everyone's thoughts and compile them as one and then ask us to revise the script.

[It's fine that we have to revise the script since it's our job, but could you treat us as human beings at least? While we were working overtime to review the manuscript, you were out watching a movie with your wife. You promised to give us a fair share of half of the earnings, yet out of 5 million dollars, you only gave us twenty thousand. When Nicole talked about how stingy you were, you came up with some excuse to fire her. What? You can't stand being called out?

[Mr. Hill let us get off work at 6:00 p.m. But, you come and tell us that there's a meeting at 5:50 p.m.??? I'm fine with working overtime since I don't have anyone to go home to, but Max and Lynda have partners and kids, you know? How are they supposed to spend time with their family if you keep letting us off so late? These meetings always end at 8, sometimes nine. And, you have the audacity to tell us that you need the revised script done by 12:00 a.m.?]

said, [I've screenshotted this conversation. You'll be responsible

you, jerk.] Felicity sneered. After that, she sent a screenshot of the PayPal transfer to the group. [I've

of silence in the group chat, someone said, [What a role model.] Not long after, the entire group was

job position was about to be compromised. The asshole screenwriter’s father- in-law held many shares in the company,

three to four years after

This was not because she was afraid

shower, she saw that Corbin had sent her a message. [A friend of mine just opened

a blessing

on the wall showing 8:30 a.m.

her with his eyes closed. And, he was naked. His left hand rested on her pillow, while his right hand was around

scenes from last night, and her ears turned red. She gently put Keegan's hand away, intending to leave without him noticing. But, he quickly pulled

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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