Chapter 1067

"Gold retains value. I got an appraisal last year for the wedding ring you bought me, and they estimated that it cost a little more than one million dollars, but we bought that ring at three million. That's too great of a difference. However, the price of the gold bracelet you bought me increased by nearly ten thousand dollars this year! That's why gold is much better than diamond. If you were ever to go bankrupt in the future, we could sell the gold rings and support ourselves for a while."

Keegan was speechless. 'That's my girl,' he thought.

Keegan had expected the rings to hold a special meaning, but after all that, Stella only considered their devaluation. 'I guess money is and always will be her number one priority.'

"How did you know where to find this store?" Keegan grabbed Stella's hand and asked as they continued to walk. The location of the store was a little hard to find. Yet, Stella located it perfectly. 'This must not be her first time at that store,' Keegan thought.

our school days, Felicity wanted to buy a gift for her mom on Mother's Day. She said the prices in branded jewelry stores were ridiculous, so she

one of their trace chain necklaces. It was so shiny and beautiful. I wanted to gift it to my mom, but I didn't have that much money. And, I couldn't have asked my dad- I mean Albert, for the money. He wouldn't have given it

money, so the only way I could buy that necklace was to take on part-time jobs. During those years, commercial models

auto show, and that person got injured. The

tried to go to the head of the auto show to claim my pay, but

a man. He said being a car show model meant that I had no self-respect. I once thought that beauty was a sin because of him. I didn't even

fault here?" Stella said in a calm and collected

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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