Chapter 1124

Stella frowned and gave the girl an unpleasant look. She pulled her cap down and said nothing. Stella realized that the girl, who was taking pictures of her, was the same girl standing next to her in the elevator. 'Maybe she recognized me when the kid pulled my mask earlier. It doesn't matter. I have to leave as soon as possible.'

Stella turned her head in Marshall's direction, but he was nowhere to be seen. So, she pulled out her phone and texted him, [I think someone recognized me. I'll buy the mugs some other time. I'm gonna go downstairs and try to leave. Don't wait for me.]

After sending the message, Stella handed the glassware to the cashier and said, "Sorry. I don't want these anymore." She then turned around and left. When the girl saw her leaving, she ran up and grabbed her. "You're Stella Jewell, right?"

Stella broke away from the girl's grip and coldly said, "I think you got the wrong person."

"No, I don't. It's you!" The girl agitatedly said as she held her phone in Stella's face and tried to yank her mask off, hitting her chin in the process.

accidentally hit the girl's phone, and it dropped. Everyone looked toward the direction of the sound while the girl hurriedly bent down to pick up

another girl rushed up and pushed her away. "What do you think you're doing? Are you

was fine. So, she kept quiet and turned to leave, but the other girl immediately stopped her.

on the chin, so I instinctively pushed it away. It's called a reflex. And as you can see, her phone

of the store. What makes you think you could hit my hand like that?"


literally held your phone in my face and asked for my name,' thought Stella. She would

the raging fire in her heart. Then, she said in a muffled voice,

a mask? It's not sincere enough. Take off your mask

in return. "I can do that, but she has to delete the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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