Chapter 1240

Marshall rushed out and hit the man's wrist with the broom, causing him to drop the knife. Then, a struggle ensued between the two. The man's burly build gave him an advantage, even though he was shorter than Marshall. His moves were calculated and precise.

After some time, the two men ended up wrestling each other on the ground. The man locked his arm around Marshall's neck. His eyes were burning with rage as he threatened, "I'll kill you for making her leave me!"

Due to the lack of oxygen, Marshall struggled to breathe. His face turned blue, and his veins bulged from his forehead. His hand was pushing against the man's head, and his eyes were bloodshot red as he looked at Stella and hoarsely said, "Go!"

Stella's hand was trembling, and Felicity's face was white with fear. They had never encountered such a dangerous situation before.

Realizing that he could not overpower Marshall, the man tried to reach for the knife nearby. Marshall's gaze grew desperate as he watched the man's hand inch closer to the weapon.

Suddenly, a loud smash echoed through the room.

forehead. The man staggered, trying to see who had attacked him. But, before he

collapsed on the floor.

neck was finally released. He looked up to see Stella standing there. Her

knife away and asked, "Are you

He glanced at Felicity and

apartment and searched

blood on the back of the man's head. "Don't worry. He's not going

tried to calm down


arrived shortly after and arrested the man, who was now awake. He gritted his teeth

her and coldly said, "See you behind

was brought to the hospital. Marshall, Stella, and Felicity were asked to head down to the police station to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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