Chapter 1292

Meat could be frozen for preservation, but it was generally not recommended to be stored for more than three months. Even if the meat was not rotten after that timeframe, it would have lost a lot of its nutrients. Considering that it was meant for kindergarten children, the use of such poorquality meat was quite concerning.

Other than that, the freezer contained bags of low-quality shrimp. The cutting board used for vegetables was covered with dark spots resembling mold. There were also visibly sprouted potatoes and half-rotten oranges in the cafeteria's kitchen.

The media person took photos of these disconcerting scenes and promptly reported them to the FDA.

Consequently, it caused a fury among the netizens.

[Good grief. Are these people even human? I bet adults might not be able to stomach those, let alone children... Have any of the kids fallen ill?]

[I pay almost two thousand dollars per month for my children's meals at the kindergarten, yet they're using such ingredients? Do they even have a conscience? @ SunlightKindergarten]

and address the issue!

forums have been talking about the sour meatballs served at the kindergarten. Isn't that a sure

accused me of making a fuss. When I insisted on inspecting the kitchen, they flat-out

to visit her grandmother, my mother-in-law gave me some pesticide-free homegrown corn. While husking them after returning home, I discovered a few worms in one of the cobs. I called my daughter over to have

time? It was said that he slept like a log at Sunlight Kindergarten. Does no one find it strange that so many teachers weren't able to get him to take a nap, yet Sunlight Kindergarten succeeded so easily?

the same thought! It's so weird.

children's food, it wouldn't

extra mile to prepare his food separately, avoiding additives like soy sauce. How dare they feed children rotten food! This heartless kindergarten needs to


section below

around a thousand dollars for our children's meals each month. The kindergarten receives tens of thousands of dollars from

wonder the netizens were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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