Chapter 1402

Hylda no longer possessed the allure of her past. She was wearing the plainest clothes she could find, fearful of being recognized. She trimmed her long, flowy hair and no longer wore makeup. Hylda looked a decade older than before.

As soon as the light flickered on, she instinctively hid. After days of evading capture, she had developed a fear of well-lit places.

"It's too bright," she said in a raspy voice.

Ian felt for her and left a dim lamp on.

"What's your plan?" He sat across from her and asked.

Hylda hesitated and said, "I've been thinking a lot these past few days. I've now figured out the things I did not understand before. None of this was a coincidence. She had planned everything out since the day of the wedding. She made me target Xenia out of jealousy and exposed Hugo's true identity, causing Albert to lose trust in me and freeze my accounts.

lose my only source of income. Following that, she had Walter come and threaten me, driving a wedge between Albert and me over the money.

gritted her teeth in anger. Twenty years of her hard work to become Mrs. Jewell was flushed down the drain. She was now a fugitive and wanted throughout the city. All she felt

referring to?" Ian

face grew cold. "She never believed that the car crash

away everything that did not rightfully

knew very well that she was already past her prime. Though, she could not accept it. 'I was so close to obtaining everything I had ever dreamed


but her face looked extremely ugly. Ian recalled Irene's warning and steadied himself. "So...

"I want

is not who she used to be. You might not even be able to get close to her

that. She knew what Ian said was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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