Chapter: 164

Although Chelsea was pissed off with his statement, she didn’t dare to get short with him. After all, she was indeed hiding her secrets there.

Heedless of her possible irritation, Edmund continued, “What could you be hiding, Chelsea? Your account has existed for a long time, right? Could it be that you had another man in your heart while we were married? Oh my! Did you cheat on me at any point?”

Chelsea was so furious that she couldn’t keep quiet anymore. She fired at him.

“Look who is accusing someone else of cheating. Why do you care? After all, you did the same!”

Edmund raised his voice too.

“What the hell do you mean? I have no idea what you are talking about!”

You know exactly what I’m talking about. While we were married, you constantly frolicked with Diane in public. The media was always reporting news about you two!” Chelsea was livid. He was the one who cheated, but he was trying

all kinds of activities with her? It’s not my fault that the media is fond of twisting stories to drive traffic. I’m not guilty of the

to the hotel and stayed with Diane till the next morning. Tell me, does it make sense to you that a married man spends the night with another woman on his wedding night? Did journalists make that up too?” Chelsea Laid out the

However, Chelsea never

long, so she was surprised at herself for

it was because Edmund was

wedding night?” Edmund’s mind bore no recollection of what she was speaking about. Chelsea’s eyes turned red

Mr. Nelson. I have to hang up

they didn’t get wedded in a church, it was assumed that the day they got their

She wanted her wedding night to be blissful. Contrary to her expectations, she slept alone and woke up to the news of her husband being spotted at a hotel with Diane. It was a rude

to speak about the news. He completely ignored

broke just like it did over four years ago. Tears rolled down her eyes as soon as she hung up the

at all, thus him deny cheating and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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