Chapter 33 Who Has the Last Laugh

Maverick pursed his lips and exited the hotel without saying a word.

Left with no choice, Noah quickly called his subordinates to release the two.

Meanwhile, Suzanna and Peter were tied up in a dark room, trembling in fear.

+25 Bonus

Suzanna never thought Gwendolyn would know a big shot like Maverick. Thus, she turned green with


She grew up in an orphanage. If I’m not mistaken, she wrote divorced in the column for marital status on her resume. What did a woman like her do to deserve favors from so many distinguished men in Fairlake? What gives?

At that moment, Suzanna was more terrified compared to being jealous.

She was fearful of all the possible actions Maverick would take against them.

Click! Suddenly, someone switched on the lights, and the room became so bright that the two were dazzled at once.

They were scared to their wits end. Before they could plead for mercy, Noah’s subordinates released them right away and then the whole gang strode out of the room without sparing them a glance.

Suzanna and Peter looked at cach other, completely baffled.

What’s going on? They’re letting us go just like that?

Immediately, Peter called Tom to find out, and Suzanna was all cars.

However, the call did not get through for Tom’s phone was switched off.

Since there was nothing they could do about it, the duo decided to leave that dangerous place and go on their separate ways. They were worried that Maverick would change his mind and go after them.


As soon as Suzanna got back safely, she contacted Eloise and learned that Tom and Harry were arrested by the police.

“Is this how you do things? What caused the sudden turn of events?” Eloise questioned her.

conversation with Mr. Zinn and abducted us. I’m guessing he’s also the one who put Mr.

Mr Zinn and I go when he sent Mr. Ward and the rest

fell into silence before responding, “I’ll get someone to investigate this matter thoroughly. You just need to keep an eye on that


the phone, Suzanna turned around and hugged the man

13:20 Mon, May


33 Who Has the

+25 Bonus

and bald. He gave her a lecherous look and subsequently locked her in his arms,

away deliberately when she

but in the end, that woman took my position. If she wasn’t pretty, would you even bother yourself with this

the way, you

instead. “That’s impossible! You’re my most precious and gorgeous baby girl. I was short of cash a while ago, but


director position so much, I’ll find fault with her at the meeting tomorrow. You can then chime in. As a new staff. I’m sure she won’t know how to handle the situation

delighted. “You’d

that you should reward me for doing you


high spirits

they both took the same elevator. “Wow, Ms. Kleppen is radiating joy.

sure slept better than

on how severely drugged Gwendolyn was, Tom and Harry must have gotten what they wanted. Unfortunately, Maverick caught them red-handed, and that’s why they didn’t get a chance to


pondered over what happened last night and thought through everything logically. Hence, she resented

by men. I’d like to see how long she

friends. However, I’m afraid you’ll be sacked pretty soon, and

took a sidelong glance at her and chuckled.


the elevator finally reached the designated floor, Gwendolyn withdrew her gaze froni

and walked out first.

13:20 Mon, May



+25 Bonus

profile and muttered with seething anger, “I’d like to see you weep


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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