Chapter 52 Here to Give You a Gift

It was the dead of night when Natasha was sent to the hospital for treatment.

+25 Bonus

The preliminary diagnosis by the doctor revealed that she had two broken ribs, a mild concussion, and

→ plenty of minor wounds. Thankfully, none of her injuries were life-threatening.

As Maverick sat on the bench outside the operating room, thoughts known only to himself swirled

about in his head.

After the incident, he had Noah report it to the Mossey family.

It wasn’t until the sun had risen that Jerome and Madelyn finally arrived at the hospital.

“Oh, my poor daughter! How could something like this have happened?”

Madelyn’s cries echoed throughout the corridor, but strangely enough, her eyes were devoid of tears. In fact, one could even say she looked quite happy with the whole thing.

On the contrary, Jerome walked over to Maverick with a sorrowful expression on his face. Stopping in front of the latter, he offered the young man some comforting words after seeing the dark look in his eyes.

Without replying to Jerome, Maverick said politely. Please have a seat, Mr. and Mrs. Mossey.”

Jerome pressed on, “Mr. Wright, what happened? How did Nat get hurt? Who did this to her?”

It wasn’t so long ago that Inez got into an accident and was left in a vegetative state. And now, Natasha got herself into trouble, too. Is someone targeting the Mossey family? Or is Lady Luck just not on my family’s side?

After remaining silent for a while, Maverick replied, “Noah’s already looking into this.”

Noticing that Maverick wasn’t in the mood to talk, Jerome stopped pressing the issue and went over to sit on a nearby bench.

Just two minutes later, the light shining above the operating room door went out.

The doctor came out and said that Natasha’s operation was very successful. Except for the fact that she would have limited mobility for the time being, there was no major problem, and she was ready to be transferred to a normal VIP ward.

Maverick, Jerome, and Madelyn followed along and came to the ward to visit Natasha.

Natasha painstakingly opened her swollen eyes and began crying the moment she saw Maverick come

time and stopped those b*stards from violating me. Mave,

him, I wanted him to know that Gwendolyn’s nothing but a dirty slt that can be

13:25 Mon, May 15

to Give You

beside her

+25 Bonus

to say something to

daughter. “Nat, stop throwing a tantrum. Or course Mr. Wright still loves


mention of that, Natasha looked as if she had just recalled some traumatic memories and started sobbing

thing I knew, I was knocked out on the way and woke up in that small hut. It was so dark inside that I couldn’t see anything. Someone was hitting and kicking me, saying that it was Gwendolyn’s instruction and that they were going

muttered, “I was

Natasha shrank away into a ball. It was as if the memory was too horrifying for her. She started trembling,

upon hearing that and looked toward

Nat’s fiancé, I’m sure you’re not going to just sit idly by and do nothing, are you? In any case, that woman, Gwendolyn, must have something to do with this. For her to bully Nat like this is akin to giving the

Zipper family. With how little power the Mossey family wielded, he knew there was

replied with a darkened gaze, “If Tasha really was wronged, I’ll

my story if I mess up even the tiniest of details.

head and put

many questions is good for her recovery. Why don’t we head out first and let her have

as ever, Maverick

to leave the ward, the door suddenly

and Madelyn were puzzled by the men’s

stood at the door, one

$13.25 Mon, May

Here to

heels, looking as beautiful as

+25 Bonus

entered the


I can’t believe she has the gall to strut

that she didn’t mind a bit more drama, Madelyn decided to add fuel to the fire by saying, “Darling, do you

face darkened when he heard that..”You came at just the right

Maverick simply stood at the side. Although he didn’t say anything, his towering build made it hard for others to ignore his

him, only to realize that his gaze had never left her from the moment she entered the ward. His dark eyes were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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