88 He’s Here

“Keira Olsen, wake up. What’s wrong with you?”

The policewoman noticed Keira’s condition and nudged her.

Dazed, Keira opened her eyes.

The usually strong-willed woman was trembling from weakness. “Please help me to the bed.”


The policewoman quickly assisted her to the bed and asked, “How do you feel now?”

Keira was in poor condition, and she wouldn’t pre even for Holly’s sake. She said, “I’m anemic. Get Ho Sims to do another blood test. It should show up no

At her words, the policewoman frowned, scrutinizing Keira. “Dr. Sims was angry. She probably won’t come


Keira pursed her lips. “Then you can draw my blood and send it for testing.”

The policewoman said, “Fine, I’ll get someone from the


forensic department.”

Having said that, she left the cell.

As she was leaving, she was suddenly stopped by Poppy Hill, “Excuse me, Officer.”

The policewoman turned to her, “What is it?”

Poppy pointed to the ward where Keira was. “That’s my daughter. Is she unwell? Can I go look after her?”

The policewoman was taken aback. “She’s your daughter?”

Were mothers and daughters sharing prison cells these days?

Poppy nodded, “Yes, yes, that’s my daughter. You check our relationship.”

The policewoman took out her phone, logged into system, and verified their identities. They were inde mother and daughter.

The policewoman thought for a moment, recalling Keira’s condition, and said, “Alright.”

Keira, lying on the single bed, had just closed her eyes


88 He’s Here

when the door was opened again.

Did the forensic doctor come so soon?

figure walking in, followed by a chilling voice, “Keira, don’t

Keira stiffened.

to her weakness, memories of when she was five years

age, without enough warm clothes in winter, she often caught colds.

Poppy would lock her away, not letting her go outside. Whenever Mrs. Olsen out, she would always


Olsen left, Poppy would rush over to her, grab her throat, and force

berated her in her ear. “You don’t deserve medicine!

this, bitch! Aren’t you mighty?



dared to defy me, throwing me into this jail. I’ll choke


પાક તરફ

when she was a child, wishing she could reduce herself to as small as possible to fend off

to being a five-year-old


by anemia, which made her unable to distinguish betweer reality and memory, with pleas for

soft whisper. “Mom, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten sick. Please stop hitting me.”

pain still coursed through her

her still pinched her arms, abdomen, and thighs mercilessly.

her lips together tightly.

seven, she understood that pleading was useless, and she could only

The pain persisted.

curses were unabated. “Die! Die! You killed

away the woman forcefully, but she wasn’t strong enough, and it only

years old, eleven years old,

thirteen and had moved onto high


had surpassed Poppy’s height. She pushed the woman away, saying, “Since you despise me as

a few worn-out clothes and without hesitation, left the Olsen family…

home for her in the

boundless. Everywhere but


family could be

up, and she

eyes, waking up from

Poppy, who


faltered and immediately reached for Keira’s throat, “Bitch, what are you looking at? You should die! You have to pay for

strength, Keira grabbed Poppy’s wrist and

ground. Just as she was about to charge again, a voic came from the doorway, “What are

at the door. She

gaze swept across Poppy

she hallucinating? Were these two women


be mother and

She was sprawled out on the bed again without the energy

“You’re just in time. I’m anemic…even if you don’t release me on bail, you must

intravenous infusion, and give me iron

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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