220 Little Girl

Lewis was also wearing a black wool coat today, his imposing demeanor on a par with that of the handsome man facing Keira.

He got out of the car with a cold expression and went inside, but it seemed he sensed something, and he

turned to look toward Keira.

Seeing the girl waving at him, Lewis’s expression softened.

It was only then he noticed that there was someone sitting across from Keira.

He was about to see who it was when his phone

suddenly rang.

Lewis immediately answered, and a shrill voice came from the other side. “Lewis, where are you? I want to

see you!”

Lewis frowned. “Sorry, I’m having dinner with my wife.”

“Can you come over, please? Lewis, when we were kids, you promised to marry me when we grew up, how can you not come? I’m waiting for you!”



220 Little Girl

Madeleine started to cry, a sound that only made Lewis feel waves of irritation.

At nine years old, he was sold by Oliver to traffickers

and was detained in a mountain village with a group of


At that time, all the other children were trembling with fear, crying out for their parents, all except for a four-year-old girl who was different.

She asked curiously, “They’re neither hitting us nor scolding us, and they even give us food, why are you crying?”

That was when Lewis started to notice her.

Later, the traffickers saw that she was well-behaved and obedient, so they let her go outside to work and gradually began to trust her.

She became friends with Lewis.

When Lewis asked her name, she replied that her mother hadn’t named her yet… At that time, he was almost shocked. A four-year-old child who didn’t have a name yet? How badly did her family treat her?

No wonder she even felt that the traffickers were



220 Little Gi

better than her mother…

As time went by, there were fewer and fewer children around, and Lewis knew he couldn’t wait any longer. Aside from his grandmother, no one in the Horton family genuinely wanted him back; he had to save himself.

He asked the only little girl who could move freely to put sleeping pills in the traffickers’ food. At first, the girl didn’t want to do it.

She said, “Brother, the traffickers always let me eat half a bread at every meal. I don’t want to go home. Do you want to go home?”

He answered, “I do.”

for a

food and unlocked the

the children ran out.

but seeing the little

doorway, he asked, “Why don’t you

to go home.”




220 Little Girl


she had to go home. She was the one who had let all


“Then come

little girl’s eyes lit up,

long distance until the police found them and then

their homes

in his old home,


be taken to her home in Oceanion. She clung to Lewis’s hand and wouldn’t let go, crying loudly. Her voice

the police officer. “I want to

and she wants to come with

young. Each of you needs


her face covered



220 Little Girl

and she looked extremely disheveled. “I don’t want to go home! I want to

unsightly while crying, but Lewis thought of the three months they were held captive, where his reserved personality meant the other children didn’t interact with him. Only the little girl stayed with him…

thought about how the little girl had


this? When you turn twenty, I’ll come to marry you! Once I’ve married you, you can come home with me!”



“Pinky promise]!”

returned home, his grandmother, wanting to protect him from further

the family, sent him abroad to study




220 Little Girl

was still very

wasn’t until he gradually built his own power that he sent people back to look

era didn’t have internet, and there

the trafficking case

wasn’t from a good background; her father was an alcoholic, and

since she was

years old. It was only because of

everything about Lewis and the little girl


for your effort to rescue everyone, I might have been sold to a nice family and lived a peaceful life! Instead of coming back to this hell! Why did you come to



220 Little Girl

obstinate, yet bright little girl of her childhood. The doctors said that growing up in

severely depressed and had post-traumatic stress


no longer the person he remembered.

still honored his promise and took her abroad to help

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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