238 Helpless

Keira suddenly looked up, feeling as though she had heard something.”

However, Mr. Horton had already waved them off, and the car started, driving off.

By coincidence, the delivery person who was sending the jade ring on behalf of Keira left after eating at the rest area, which delayed him a bit, and he ended up right behind Mr. Horton’s car.

The two cars headed toward Glow Village, one after

the other.

The Horton residence.

After Mr. Horton left, old Mrs. Horton’s smile vanished instantly, and she turned to look at Keira with a frown, “Did that brat go to the hospital again?”

Keira paused, smiling, “No, Grandma, you…”

“You don’t need to make excuses for that brat!” Old Mrs. Horton said with a cold laugh. “That brat always values personal relationships more than work. What



238 Helpless

could possibly be so important that he can’t let it go? This morning, I heard from Fiona that you hurried off with him. Keira, tell me, what kind of trouble is

Madeleine stirring up now?”

Keira sighed, “Grandma…”

Old Mrs. Horton was genuinely angry. “Keira, you don’t have to sweet-talk me on his behalf, and you don’t need to play the devoted wife either! When I arranged for you to marry that brat, I didn’t want you to be

mistreated, and you certainly don’t need to push your husband toward someone else. I don’t want you to live

so stifled!”

She looked at Fiona, “Get the car ready. I’m going to the psychiatric hospital right now to see what tricks that little woman has used!”

But her arm was gripped tightly by Keira. “Grandma…”

Old Mrs. Horton turned to look at her, only to hear Keira say in a low voice, “Madeleine has jumped off a building.”

Even the composed old Mrs. Horton was struck by this




238 Helpless

She was silent for a long time before she spoke again. “Did she jump? Or is she using this to scare that brat? Let me tell you, some women’s tricks are very…”

“She really jumped.”

Old Mrs. Horton could have immediately sent someone to check on this matter, so Keira simply told the truth.

make it. She’s

she said nothing for a long time. Finally unable to help herself, she asked, “Why would it come to this? Why can’t she move on? Why did it have to

Mrs. Horton were


couldn’t understand


speak ill of Madeleine behind. her back, so she helped old Mrs. Horton up and walked with her

as they entered the door, Oliver came out from around the



238 Helpless

“Selena, you really do have divine foresight!

some significant news from Keira and old Mrs. Horton, Oliver was taken aback when Selena spoke in a casual tone. “Dad, I’ve known about it since yesterday.”

was stunned, “Huh?”

an eye on Madeleine. Right now, my young uncle is with her at the hospital, and what’s more, I’ve bribed a nurse and got hold of the doctors’ chat records!”

up. “Then isn’t this a great

evidence right now. You know what to do next, don’t you?”

“I do!”

Oliver was overjoyed!!


matter up and take it to the



238 Helpless

to keep this incident under wraps and continue his relationship with Keira, the pressure from the public

country, he had been

had been

woman came

she was quite capable. If he could get the two to divorce and let Lewis marry

and Oliver would then have the

perhaps Lewis might

have children!

that Selena

and completely twisted in meaning…

snickered and then uploaded it to the internet.



238 Helpless

sighed heavily, looking at Keira

was somewhat at a loss for words, feeling

speaking up for him and sorry for her granddaughter-in-law at the same time.

said, “Grandma, you don’t need to say anything. I understand. Don’t worry, this is between

Please have some

old Mrs. Horton into the room.

please take a

opening the link, Keira saw a recording of doctors talking, but the content was edited to imply something

had callously abandoned Madeleine

with Keira instead.

flooded with negative

through them. Most comments slandered Lewis as a



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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