314 Chapter 313

Obstetrics and Gynecology Department.


Mary’s hands and feet were sweating coldly, her gaze fixed on the diagnostic room in front of her.

Keira didn’t comfort her, just gave her enough space.

“Number 13, Mary Davis. Has Mary Davis arrived?”

The nurse suddenly called out her name, startling Mary, who jumped to her feet. “I’m here!”

Mary followed behind the nurse and looked back at


Keira gave her an encouraging look. “Go on!”

Mary swallowed hard and followed the nurse into the


After a series of tests and examinations, it was

confirmed that Mary was pregnant. The doctor asked, “Are you sure you don’t want it?”

Mary clenched her jaw and tightened her fingers, and after a moment, she nodded

The doctor said, “I really can’t understand you young



people. These days, many people can’t even have children… Are you sure you don’t want it? Well, I’ll write you an order for a CT scan. Once you’ve been scanned, the child will be exposed to radiation, and you can’t keep it.”

Mary nodded again.

The doctor wrote up the paperwork, scheduled the surgery, and then let Mary out.

Keira immediately stayed by her side. “What’s next?”

The two followed the nurse to the CT room, handed over the paperwork, and waited to be called.

Most people here were there for an abortion.

Most of them were couples, some were with frien and there was even a girl brought by her parents. was sobbing, with both parents wearing masks, feel


Seeing this, Mary grasped Keira’s hand even tighter. “Keera, do I really not want this child?”

Seeing her scared like this, Keira sighed. “Mary, you already know the answer, don’t you?”

Mary was taken aback.



314 Chapter 313

many times that you don’t want an

Mary’s jaw tightened.

“Mary, I’m your friend, and it’s up to you to make the decision. Whatever choice you make, I’ll support

tightened even more, just as someone came out of the CT room and called for her.

looked at



called out again. “If

person’s turn…”

blurt out suddenly, “I’m here!”

again and strode toward

thought things through

and the child would have no father



314 Chapter 313

it were born. It would even tie her down, not

wanted to

into the CT room.


at the vest, asking, “Is this to prevent other organs from being exposed

“That’s right.”

this kind of CT scan more than

can’t be born. Alright, don’t waste

her lower abdomen as she reached out to pick up the isolation vest…

was waiting

know what

whatever the choice, she expressed her




314 Chapter 313

were to become pregnant before marriage… It would be fine if Ellis took responsibility, but if he didn’t, she would become the

to leave Clance to

child would be the

others said, so if this situation fell on her, she would simply rely on her own feelings to decide whether to keep it

everyone was

any further, instead, she

diary; she had

thinking, the door of the CT room opened, and Mary walked out with red eyes.



314 Chapter 313

up to her. “Did

I’ve decided to keep the

was taken aback.

Mary actually made that decision, she couldn’t help

then I’ll be the child’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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