465 Chapter 464

Matias was dragged to his feet, and he helplessly looked at Keira, still not wanting to leave the room.


No matter how Jackson treated Matias, the latter could live with it, but he didn’t want to involve Nara.

Perhaps sensing his dilemma, Keira sighed and said, “Haven’t you realized? No matter what, Jackson won’t let you guys off, so there’s no need to stay here. Some people have hearts made of stone, which will never


Matias looked toward Jackson.

Jackson sneered. “If your manhood is also destroyed, can you spare the culprit? Indeed, I’ll never let you I’ll torture you little by little, slowly!”


Matias’s eyes were red, and he stared hard at Jackson.

Just then, Nara grabbed Matias’s hand and signed with her hands. “Brother, let’s go. I don’t want to see his


Matias lowered his head and walked out the door with






465 Chapter 464

Matias still limped as he walked. Just as they left the room, they heard Jackson’s mocking voice. “Ha! What a pair of disabled siblings! A cripple and a mute, that’s pathetic!”

Matias’s steps faltered slightly, but he didn’t look back.

After leaving the hospital room, Matias sighed and said, “Nara, I’m sorry. It’s my fault.”

Nara shook her head and gestured with her hands. “Don’t say that! Brother, we are a family.”

Matias nodded and said, “Don’t worry. If it comes to it, you can transfer to another university, or if necessary, we’ll go abroad. My leg is almost healed now. Tomorrow, I’ll go look for a job to save money for

I don’t believe the Gill family’s influence can reach another country!”


Nara nodded firmly and continued to sign. “As long as

two of us are together,

looked at

you want to attend the interview at the

Nara nodded.




465 Chapter 464

It’s true. They don’t recruit

dejected, feeling it was

you want to know if you’re deceived, why not just go

Nara looked hesitant.

and give it a


what, tomorrow’s matter was an opportunity to

they would regret it in

foreign accent

that the same family owns several bridges

in Crera!”

“Really? That’s not




465 Chapter 464

“I went to Oceanion and saw a sign, ‘Dumond Yore Bridge welcomes you.’ Yesterday, I went to Inevale and saw ‘Inevale Yore Bridge welcomes

was dumbfounded.

arched an eyebrow and looked over, only to

remembered that in Oceanion,

he was a construction worker and gave him an umbrella, only later finding out that

real estate

wasn’t much interaction afterward,


come to Clance?

away, engaged in conversation,

didn’t notice Keira.

much of it

the moment she looked away,

familiar ficure




465 Chapter 464

that… Doctor

was about to follow him, she saw

she reached where he had been, she found that he was already

Keira frowned.

was special

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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