478 Chapter 477

Lady Gill nodded at the butler behind her.

The butler immediately found a nurse, took a cotton swab, collected a blood sample from Matias’s hand,

and then turned to Austin.

Before Austin could speak, Lady Gill plucked a strand of her hair and handed it to the butler, “Hurry up!”


The butler hurried away.

Austin looked at Lady Gill. “Mom, how could you go through with the verification?! How could you believe his nonsense?!”

His voice was frantic, with a plea in it. “How could I possibly not recognize my sister? I loved my sister the most when I was a kid, and she was abducted by human traffickers when trying to save me. If she stood before me, there’s no way I wouldn’t recognize her…

“So, she can’t be my sister… right, it’s impossible… Mom, don’t be fooled by them!”

Keira listened to his words and suddenly turned to


478 Chapter 477

look at him. “Austin, are you scared?”

Austin was startled.

Keira stepped toward him. “You’re afraid that Nara, who has been persecuted by you to this extent and may not get out of the operating room alive, is your biological sister, aren’t you?!”

Austin took a step back, shocked by her blunt


Immediately afterward, he retorted, “Nonsense! I told you that girl couldn’t be my sister!!”



them angrily. “Aren’t you looking all over the city for this jade pendant? My sister has worn one since she was a child!


brother, she tried to throw away this jade pendant. Later, Matias saw it in


the jade pendant, Austin was slightly taken




scoffed coldly. “Matias, you’re so ridiculous. Knowing that our family is looking for the owner of this jade pendant, you brought a fake one to deceive us! You’re

was dumbfounded, “Fake?”

on his sister’s neck all along, and it was there when they found her, so over the years, Matias had never examined it closely.

had no money to stay in

thought the jade

jade pendant

My sister has been wearing

reason to convince himself. “Mom, do you see? They’re lying! The girl



478 Chapter 477

looked at him but didn’t

laughed coldly. “So the jade pendant is

to her, “Why do

wonder it’s fake… He has given the real one to you! He said he

Austin roared at her. “That’s impossible! You can’t fool me! I won’t believe

violent reaction and let out a cold laugh, saying nothing more.

even think about deceiving me! You are all tricking me! How could I

is already getting a DNA test done, and we’ll have the results in half an

you on deceive me then!”


478 Chapter 477

Lady Gill to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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