Chapter 510

When Austin saw Gary’s mother enter, he followed behind her, ready to see what she was going to do with Nara.

Now, his entire focus was on Nara, and he wanted to know everyone who came into contact with her.

That Gary just now…

Austin often bullied Gary in the past, and they were pretty familiar.

Gary’s mother was considered a close cousin of Lady Gill, so the two families had a relatively good


However, the Spencer family’s background wasn’t comparable to the Gill family’s, so Gary’s mother always seemed too eager to please Lady Gill, which

Austin disliked.

He constantly bullied Gary in secret.

He followed for a few steps but stopped as he approached Nara’s home.

He remembered how Nara had just told him to go



511 Chapter 510

away and the angry look on her face when she saw

him, and suddenly, he didn’t dare step forward or enter Nara’s home.

He feared his sister would dislike him even more and that she would get angry again because of him.

Matias’s words echoed in his mind. “If you don’t want Nara to get some proper rest, then by all means, come over!”

In the end, Austin stopped and didn’t enter.

He knew nothing of what was happening inside and was worried until he saw Gary arrive in a hurry.

Austin eventually leaned against the wall and hung his head.

to make his sister

“Stop it!”

out, Gary’s mother was

also looked toward the door in shock, and tears welled in her

were red–rimmed.

10:53 C


511 Chapter 510

slender frame and a gentle smile on his face. But now, he stared at his mother, so shocked that he

stepping in front of Nara, pushing his mother away, and shouted, “Mom, what are



surveyed Nara’s body. “Nara, are you alright? What did Mom do to you?”

Nara, but he couldn’t see

her head,

his mother. “Mom, how could you do this to Nara?! Didn’t you

treat Nara

mother tried to deny it. “I didn’t do anything. Why are you so agitated?”

“I heard everything you did



511 Chapter 510

said just

his mother knew she couldn’t hide it and snorted coldly.

her, feeling disappointed. “Didn’t you say you wouldn’t mind Nara’s

she is mute! How can I not mind? She’s disabled, but you’re

find a

family, who would allow

mother’s angry voice made


you weren’t sick last month. You just wanted to appease me and keep me from seeing Nara?”

listen to me, alright? Although the Spencer family is well–off, we are nothing in Clance! If you go on to marry a mute woman with no social standing, I’ll be laughed

roared. “Then don’t ingratiate yourself!



511 Chapter 510

to please others at all costs?”

sighed again. “I’m only doing it for the Spencer family! How do you think our electronic company has survived? Without the Gill family giving us projects from time to time,

Gary became silent.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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