Chapter 547

When Uncle Olsen said, “Begin,” the members of the Olsen family immediately started running.

Keira kept pace with her brothers, neither falling behind nor leading far ahead, but instead, she looked


She noticed that the Olsen family’s running competition was limited to Uncle Olsen and the younger generation. Her eldest uncle and second uncle started strolling once Uncle Olsen gave the signal.

Those two were a bit older; therefore, they weren’t participating in the running anymore.

However, Uncle Olsen was still very fit. He kept up with the younger generation without falling behind.

He steadily ran alongside them, holding his pace as if steering the young ones.

Keira’s eyes darkened slightly.

No wonder the Olsen brothers differed from the young

heirs of other families.


548 Chapter 547

With such a family business, brothers in other families would probably fight each other tooth and nail for the right of inheritance.

But the Olsens loved each other; there was never any dispute.

Ellis steadily ran alongside Uncle Olsen. As the two ran ahead, the others followed behind them. Meanwhile, some gradually started to lag.

The little weakling Peter was running slowly, now gasping for air. He wiped the nonexistent sweat from his forehead and looked at Keira. “Little sister, you

must be tired. Well…

He suddenly stopped mid–sentence.

Wait… why was he drenched in sweat while his little

sister seemed so relaxed?

That made no sense!

Immediately, he furrowed his eyebrows. He didn’t dare to complain about being tired anymore. He ran forward with his mouth shut. He couldn’t lag behind his little sister–wouldn’t that be a laughing matter?

Peter gritted his teeth, not uttering a word about




548 Chapter 547

being tired.

He would normally start considering retreat after a single kilometer, but he was persistently running today and had managed three kilometers already….

Gasping for breath and panting heavily, he turned to look at Keira, only to see his little sister not seem tired

at all.

Peter glanced at his other brothers.

Uncle Olsen controlled their running speed, which was actually quite fast. Most of the brothers were sweating.

Even James, the fittest of the brothers, showed signs of strain. Only three weren’t affected, and one of them

was Uncle Olsen…

best of their generation in terms of physical fitness and business acumen. He was a competent fighter, and almost no one from that generation could beat him except

of the three

a disciple of the Freeman Sect, he went through



548 Chapter 547

than this. Running was a trifling

one of the three was “Keera“…

that be?!

they looked at “Keera“, thinking

easy on “Keera“, but now it

ask, “Aren’t

“What’s there to be tired of?”

Peter was speechless.

run four kilometers

to a stop. “I’m done. I can’t do it

hands on

someone who usually gave up after two



548 Chapter 547

bent over, gasping for air with his hands on his knees, he suddenly saw a group of servants

them was Jenkins.

maid seemed to have heard something and looked in their direction.


immediately straightened up and started running. “I’ve lapped all

brothers were

Peter boasted, he ran past the group of servants when he heard someone say, “Mr. Peter is

girl immediately say with a smile, “Mr. Peter said yesterday he was going to

Peter was shocked.

felt his whole body tense up.

retort and say, when had he


548 Chapter 547

said that?

himself to say it out loud. All he could do was clench his teeth and keep on

group of servants entered the

relaxed and slightly sweaty; she planned to head back for a shower.

earlier. Keira then received a call from Scott.

eyebrow slightly. “Is

sounded a bit puzzled. “Yes,

be a good time for

lunch?” Scott suggested. “I told Grandpa that a friend was


a shower and inform Lewis, but when she turned



548 Chapter 547

Peter sprawled on the ground and

with his hands behind his head and legs raised, humming, “Rusco, slow

Keira was perplexed.

family dog slowly strolling


Keira was speechless.

paused, then approached Peter.

seeing her, Peter jumped up immediately.

come you

a phone call, but


to Rusco.


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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