Chapter 431 Scare

In fact, Anastasia couldn’t help but sense a chilly aura and the man’s eerie silence filled the atmosphere.

Soon, Elliot looked up and sat her down beside him. “How are things with Jared? Would you like to leave and check on him now?”

“Don’t worry about him. He is with my dad. Anyway, have they identified the reason that caused your grandmother to faint?” Anastasia curiously asked.

Elliot nodded. “I’ll tell you more when I’m done taking care of everything.”

“Sure. What matters now is that your grandma wakes up.”

An hour later, Harriet woke up and was seemingly in a good mood, although she had no idea why she fainted in the first place.

“Mom, let me handle our dinner next year! The years have caught up to you, and you should rest more.” Brenda thought the hectic preparation for the dinner had taken a toll on Harriet’s health and caused her to pass out.

do anything much either.” The lady shook

scared us

that she was still healthy and refused to worry

his grandmother come around, thinking he could finally put his mind to ease. “Grandma,

promise I’ll visit you every day so that you

Harriet wasn’t happy with everyone’s suggestion as she expressed her dissatisfaction. After all, they all thought that the more energetic she tried

Anastasia felt just as relieved as the rest while looking at the old lady with a smile on her face

to keep Grandma company with Nigel while I

ahead.” Brenda nodded

car, which made Anastasia think it was because he was too shocked about his grandmother’s condition. Therefore, she

need for that. I’ll be staying home tonight.” Anastasia didn’t

tomorrow then.” He hoped that she would

you must for now.” She alighted from the car

lady walk through the gate, Elliot reached for his phone and dialed Rey’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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