Chapter 517

After carefully examining the will handed to him by Anastasia, Mr. Brown said with a stern expression. “On the surface, there doesn’t seem to be any problems with the will. However, we would need your father to confirm its validity.”

Anastasia knew that her father was the only one who knew the real content of the will, as even her father’s lawyer had taken Naomi’s side.

Presgrave Hospital.

Afraid that Anastasia had suffered grievances, Elliot, who was waiting for Anastasia’s return, immediately dragged her into a quiet lounge the moment he saw her. “Tell me, did they give you a hard time?” he asked with his gaze on her.

Anastasia calmly filled Elliot in regarding the content of her father’s will.

Elliot narrowed his eyes, his gaze chilly. “Are you just going to let your father’s company fall into that woman’s hand? Should I start making some moves myself?”

However, Anastasia shook her head. “I know how to deal with them. I’ll make sure that they pay the price they fully deserve.” Her eyes tinged with sorrow before she changed the topic. “How’s my father?”

“His vitals are still stable so far.”

assumed they knew my father was going to let me inherit the company, so they decided to do

own. You are innocent in this,” Elliot assured her. Looking at her exhausted pale face, he

leaned against his chest. “Have

very willing to go to the Presgrave

that.” Anastasia felt grateful that the Presgrave Family had given her son

the hospital ward after going through the proper registration process. “As expected, this place is something else,” Naomi

she no longer addressed him as her father. It was

consult the doctors first before making the arrangements for you two to enter the

then entered the lounge

were about to sit down and have their cup of tea, they heard a female voice coming from outside their room. “Dr. Jones,

the mother-daughter pair made eye contact with one another before they quietly went closer to the door to eavesdrop on

advanced international brain scanner and medicine in our

news! Does that mean there’s a possibility

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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