Chapter 525 Joining
“Anastasia, the operations in the finance department are complicated. How about…” Alex was becoming anxious, as Anastasia was not easy to deal with.
“That is not something you need to worry about, Mr. Hunter. My fiancé, Elliot, is surrounded by finance staff, and they are more than enough to teach me how a finance department operates.” Anastasia said coldly, “It’s decided. I’ll come to work tomorrow.”
“Anastasia, hold it…” Erica was so angry that her face had gone pale.
“Suspected as the one who poisoned my father, your mother will be facing criminal charges. That’s all I have to inform you.” Anastasia stood up. The stunning presence her desolate eyes gave off was just like a crimson rose, intimidating and petrifying.
All at once, an uproar erupted in the room. Most of the people present were Francis’ employees, so they were all shocked to hear such news.
“W-What are you saying? My mother? She loves my father very much. It’s impossible for her to harm him. Anastasia Tillman, don’t you slander my mother like this!” Erica screamed.

“I think you all have forgotten that the initial capital for this company came from my grandmother. Hence, I’m not going to let anyone else take over the company so easily,” Anastasia uttered with her gaze in the direction of Erica and Alex.
Both Erica and Alex felt the oppressiveness in Anastasia’s words at this point.
When Anastasia was done, she stood up and left the meeting.
After the meeting, in Alex’s office, Erica went ballistic. “Anastasia that wretch! If my mother gets sentenced because of this, I will never let her off!”
“Your mother was careless to have made a move at such a time. Obviously, Anastasia found out what was going on.” Alex was rather angry with Naomi’s behavior.
Although Erica was not a bright person, she still figured out the truth of her mother’s incident. Gritting her teeth, she explained, “It was all part of Anastasia’s plan to trap my mother. The doctors in that hospital joined hands with Anastasia to lie to us about the possibility of my dad regaining consciousness next week. It was all to entice my mom to do what she did.”
“If Anastasia takes over the finance department, it would be inconvenient for me in the company.” Alex gritted his teeth as well, as he knew Anastasia had seen through his plans for Tillman Constructions. Looks like I’ve underestimated her intelligence. The upcoming battle would be a battle of wits with her.
“Do we have to let her manage the finance department?” Erica said in exasperation.
“This is all we can do at the moment. Between the president of the company and the manager of the finance department, obviously, I would choose the former.” Currently, Alex was still very much thrilled, as he had finally become the president of the company. At the very least, he had the right to decide the company’s affairs from this moment.
Back in the hospital. Anastasia went to take a rest in her private lounge after visiting Francis, as she had not been sleeping well over the past few days.
Elliot had also rushed over to the hospital from the company. Upon entering Anastasia’s room, he found the woman lying on the sofa. The sight of her flowing black hair and delicate fair complexion in the tranquil noon were just like a painting that had come to life.
Captured by such a sight, Elliot went to take a seat on the sofa next to her as quietly as possible. As he admired how Anastasia looked while she was asleep, his heart started to ache for her once more.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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