Avery’s pov

What do you think about this?” Melissa whipped around, her hands. clutching a leather black short skirt. She’s half naked, only having on her beige thong and matching bra. We’re getting ready to head to one of Xade’s matches tonight.

I try to avoid seeing his matches since I hate it when he gets hurt, which is very rare, but still, I don’t like it when he fights. I have tried to talk him out of boxing, but apparently, this calms him down and I certainly didn’t want him to lose something for my sake.

It’s pretty,” I mumbled, feeling a sting of jealousy that she would be looking exquisite for Xade while I was settling for jean shorts and a tank top. But I am not trying to impress anyone anyway….right?

She grins, her red–stained lips spreading. “It is right! I know he won’t be able to keep his hands off me tonight.”

I bet he wouldn’t.

“What did you say?” Her question made me realize I had said the words out loud. I winced, turning away from her and continuing to brush my hair. “Nothing, just a mumble. “I set the brush down and rolled my blonde hair into a ponytail.

Do you think I should wear this top with it or this?” she asked, dismissing my slip up. ” Wear anything you want Mel,” I said with a tight smile.

For the next ten minutes, I wait for Melissa to be done and then we

Kyan is our ride to the arena and the ride is awkward and tense. Since the night I had with

him, or act like a couple. It was now getting obvious and I

crunch noises on the pavement. She whips around, grinning widely in excitement, not

catch the action like a hawk. He raised a brow and I quickly drop my hand, smiling at him and hoping he’d not question me

making my way around the hood to stare up at the looming arena. It’s a huge concrete structure that buzzed with loud chants inside. My stomach churns with nerves as I followed after Melissa, Kyan right behind me

They’re excited to see the fight, but I am the total opposite. Melissa turned around, grinning from ear to ear, clearly

I nod, following after her while Kyan was right behind

burning behind my head, urging me to look at him in his eyes for the first time

front of me as I settle

ring, a man helping him put on the black gloves around his hands. And

does it feel as though time stood


look at Kyan who it had seem was trying to

we go out after

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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