Avery’s pov

I shouldn’t have come here. I should not have let Mel talk me into coming to this stupid party. I hated parties anyway, so why did I agree?

Because you wanted to bury the guilt you felt for betraying her. Act like you were a good friend. When you know you’re far from being one.

I folded my arms and stared at Mel who was dancing with a random guy. Her very short dress is ridden up as his fingers dance on her bare. skin. I am tempted to tell him to f*ck off but she sends me a warning gaze. She doesn’t want my help.

Was this her way of trying to make Xade jealous? Xade wasn’t even here.

I sighed.

Here,” Kyan thrust a cup in my hand and I reluctantly take it. I didn’t drink alcohol and he knew that. “What’s in it?”

He shrugged.” Some water.” One stare at the cup and I knew it was not. I frowned. Why would he lie to me about that? I pushed the cup back in his hand, grounding out. “I don’t want it.” the contents spilled on his light blue shirt and he hissed, flinching back.

“F*ck Avery,” he cursed, looking at his wet shirt. “Sorry,” I half apologized. That’s what he gets for trying to get me drunk.

my waist. My heart froze and I am tempted to push him off me aggressively. But I don’t want to cause a scene here so I

forward, his lips brushing my ear. It caused me to shiver but

help me clean it up,” he suggested, biting my earlobe lightly. “Why don’t you come

a fool to force myself to be with him. I pulled back, resting. my palm on his chest. “I think you can handle this on your

sure you don’t want to come with?” he tried to

hard and unfazed. “I am

scoffed, crumbling the now empty cup and storming off to God

have to admit that I never cared. Never cared about what he was doing or who he was with. I

that make me a bad

were so different. Where she had dark. hair I had dirty blonde. Where she had brown eyes I had grey. Where she was tall, around 5’9, I was

every guy troubled until she caved in. We were completely opposites on every scale. If we hadn’t ended up as roommates, I didn’t

bottom, his hands slithering to her inner thigh. Okay, she had

her thigh. He of course was surprised

to fuel the guy because his eyes cast with cockiness as his

open mouthed and sloppy and made my stomach twist in disgust. If I

surprised by my sudden strength. Maybe it had been possible

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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