Avery’s pov

I have seen Xade fight before seeing as he is into boxing and all. One memory of him fighting was in high school when a group of boys teased me about being a crybaby. He fought all five of them and came out the victorious one.

All his fights had been bloody, scary and frightening. But tonight, tonight it feels as if he was another person, as if he was an animal with no soul, no leash and no heart.

I have never seen him so merciless and that scared me.

When Kyan saw us he had an ugly sneer on his face, spitting out words of anger and disgust my way and mocked me about bringing my knight in shining armor.

Let’s just say Xade didn’t wait for him to finish and stormed towards him, eyes ablaze with fury. He didn’t care that there were two girls beside Kyan, he just reached forward and gripped his shirt, crinkling it into a fist as he pulled and made him rise to his feet.

I gasped and the music cut off the second Xade’s fist connected with Kyan’s jaw. The sound of bones breaking made me grow cold.

I watch the scene unfold, frozen on the spot, my heart in my throat. I don’t register the screams of the girls around or the loud shouts of the boys who tried to pull Xade off a bloody Kyan.

Kyan was now in the ground, eyes barely opened as Xade’s fists went slamming to his face.

“You’re going to kill him!” Some girl yelled and that pulled me out of my frozen trance because she was absolutely right. If he kept that up, Kyan would be leaving here in a stretcher.

A bloody stretcher. I could already barely recognize his face as Xade rearranged it brutally. My stomach flips and I want to vomit. So much blood.

I rush toward the throng of people as they begin to block me from seeing the two boys fighting. Should I even say fighting when Kyan is barely conscious and fighting back?

I pushed through the bodies, which proved a bit difficult seeing as I am so tiny and despite us being able to fit anywhere, with young adults who were trying to see the fight, was not as easy as you think.

to crouch and crawled through their legs, my heart hammering. I wince when some girl stepped on my hand with her heel but I

needed to stop Xade before he does something

who was making those

can see the two boys once more and my heart drop in the pit of my stomach at the sight of Kyan now limp under Xade’s body. His face a bloody and unrecognizable

dead. My heart

to my feet and jumping on Xade’s

why did she jump into the

get hurt!”

out of my frozen trance because she was absolutely right. If

already barely recognize his face as Xade. rearranged it brutally. My stomach

to block me from seeing the two boys fighting. Should I even say fighting when Kyan is

despite us being able to fit anywhere, with young adults who were trying to see the fight, was not as

when some girl stepped on my hand with her heel but I


growls as I near and I wonder who was making those sounds. Many didn’t seem to

drop in the pit of my stomach at the sight of Kyan now limp under Xade’s body. Hist face

looks dead. My

my feet and jumping

crazy why did

to get hurt!” Another

get her off before she gets harmed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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