Avery’s pov

It grows quiet except for the sound of our harsh breathing. We stood there silently for what felt like hours but it was probably a minute or two. The air around is foggy with tension that curled and twisted in the room nastily

She’s still staring at me coldly. but thankfully her attention has been pulled from the snow globe that meant so much to me. “It was a mistake okay.” I whispered the lie and hoped she’d calm down enough

orget the globe in her hand entirely

ut I was a fool to think that Melissa would easily fall for it. Because her sneer returns and I go numb the second I hear the shattering of glass hitting the wall just above the door, just above my head.

The air leaves my lips as they part into a silent gasp of pain, and I blinked, my chest closing in just as painful as my throat. I am afraid to look behind me. Afraid to see the future Xade had promised in that tiny globe. shattered.

“You think.” Melissa spat every word, swallowing as the tears flowed down her cheeks, making her look as ugly as her soul. “I will believe you when your eyes say otherwise?”

with the loss of my precious gift. Had

tiny little house that was once secured in the snow globe laid helplessly on the cold flooring. I crouched, my throat tightening as I reach for the little house and ignore the loud

wrap around the house and my lower lip trembles as I cry silently. Her boot suddenly lift and step on top of the shattered glass and the crunch sound that came after she pushed her weight on

her brows. Her lips curl back.” You’ve always been after him,

words are harsh but I am too numb to even care to let them hit home. Nothing she says now can hurt me more than her shattering that globe that meant so much

cold cast began to reveal the shock she felt by

her eyes now filled with anger and surprise. I let out a short dry laugh as I stared into her stunned expression. The earlier guilt I felt is now shattered with the glass behind me. There’s no guilt or remorse I felt

be the point when

your tongue” I taunted, clenching the little house in my hand harder until the material

time her hand gripping mine, her fingertips digging into my skin. I don’t wince. I am too numb to. “I’ll make

and she’s surprised I was able to.” My boyfriend wants me to live with him, I might just take him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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