Avery’s pov

There’s something about the way Xade runs his fingers through my hair while my head is on his broad warm chest that sent shivers down

my spine.

After we got done in the gym, he brought me to his apartment right. away where of course we had a second round of tangled limbs and pleasure. So much pleasure.



ach. He all the girls, including Melissa boasted about

ach. He really knew what he was doing and why does it feel as if he was made for me?

the way he

The thought has me jealous that he had shared himself so much with others. I pushed off his chest, resting my forearm where I could feel the soft thumping of his heart. The rhythm is soothing.

I frowned as I looked at him and he must’ve sensed the shift in my emotions because his eyes fix on mine and his brows furrowed. ” Uh oh, I know that look. Did I do something to upset you?” A wicked. teasing look flashed across his eyes. “I can make up for it.”

out a breath that came out like a sigh and noticing the pitch, he got serious. “What’s wrong

down to his chest, my fingers now drawing weird shapes on his

if to voice my jealousy or not. Was it too early in the relationship to? Even though I had been

Which was crazy to think considering Xade and I just

my lips before I can

come out st*pid? Afraid to look up into his eyes I pretend that his soft skin was

that bite

voice is thick, so stained with regret that my belly twisted in an odd uncomfortable way, I looked up

hurt out,

da d away

his gaze soften more. Il pouting.

snake my eyes up. “They never mattered and I never cared. If you’re asking this because you

my jawbone, up to my ear and then move some of my wild hair out of the way. He looked at me with

his eyes searched mine. “You have no idea the kind of grip you have over me. You can tell

“Xade! You can’t say that! You can’t love me to

so close to my ribcage. “Ah

hear, but with me, I’d

someone to die for. I was just me, Avery. Clumsy, madly in love with my best friend now turned boyfriend and someone who was a neat freak. I was normal, boring and just not

to rub the lines between my eyebrows. “Stop


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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