Avery’s pov

His words brushed against me in a cold taunting way. They’re filled with mocking and hostility, not welcoming at all. But despite that, I stepped foot into the room, aimlessly looking around.

Now that Xade was no longer here, the room felt cold and unwelcoming, empty.

“Where is it?” I asked. I had the necklace on the night I slept with Xade for the first-time, I never realized it was gone. Perhaps I had been so busy and caught up in my feelings that nothing else mattered.

Kyan replied dryly. “Look-for-it yourself.” I heard the door click t and I stiffen. I didn’t want to show him that I was scared or anxious.

I frowned, turning to face him. “Is it even here or is this some kind of sick joke to get me alone so you can call me a whore again?”

His cold dead eyes cast me with taunting look as he sneered, folding his arms and leaning against the door. “Well aren’t you a whore? Did I lie?”

I flinched, my brows furrowing even more into a frown. “You’re so full of shit Kyan. Calling me a whore when you were cheating on me during the entire relationship with Cora.”

He didn’t look surprised that I knew, only looked bored. He must have figured I overheard them speaking. I shook my head in disgust. “It’s fine though, I guess we can call it even and move on with our lives. It was best things ended the way it did or I would be fooling myself to think I actually like someone as vile as you.”

his eyes angry as he storms toward me I back away until my back hit something hard. The closet door. I gasped, flinching when his palms hit the wood,

scent surrounded me and the mere heat radiating off his body felt like painful fire in my skin. I want to

snarled, eyes darkening to a scary color of fury. I

him. My soul stirs uneasily when he takes a lick of my hair and twirls it around his finger. “So brave now.”

Avery. Don’t let him walk

chest and pushed. He’s surprised and

to his

gth,” he snorted..

glared. “I didn’t come here to be insulted by you or care what you think of me. Give me

into slits. Seeing that he was not responding. 1 gritted my teeth and spat. “Coming here was a

I shift my eyes to his line of vision and noticed the gold chain glistening on the surface

have to spend anymore time here. I rush to it and bend over to retrieve the necklace. As my

straightening and whirling around. Kyan stood before me, not a single emotion as guilt on his face. “What the hell

sneered under his breath, veins on his forehead more. prominent. “You can give it freely to Xade yet waste my time and not.

my throat and I thought I’d soon have a heart attack or worse, die from lack of air in my

felt like they were frozen here in shock as I try to grasp what he was saying. Was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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