Xade’s pov

Dad left a couple of hours ago, promising to keep visiting every single day. He trusted that Peter wouldn’t let anything happen to me. And somehow I trusted Peter too.

The sky is darkening, the little light from the small window is now a gloom of blue. Light from the moon. I sighed, sitting on my as* and pressing the back of my head on the cold wall behind me.

My wolf itched to be beside Avery, take in her scent, just have her in my arms. I needed her like air into my lungs and being away from her makes me feel as though I am on the verge of choking. It doesn’t help that this dungeon is small as hell.

My mind drifts to her. The memories of us together. Her doe eyes staring at me as she giggled and ran across the field when we were younger, her shiny locks whipping behind her as I chase after her.

Her head on my shoulder while she cried because she got her menstrual for the first time and thought she was dying. I had bought her flowers and chocolates hoping they would cheer her up. But she had said just having me here was enough.

The night of prom when that st*pid geek guy bailed on her….well I might have force him to stay away so I’d be the one to take her myself. She still doesn’t know…

That night she walked into the room…the night I took what belonged to me and no other. The night I finally threw caution to the wind and just be in the moment. The night that shifted it all.

All those memories will be wiped out of her mind. It’s torture knowing she will never remember those precious moments. She won’t remember me.

the anguish. The taste of my blood seeps in my mouth. The creak of the door sounds in the quiet space

Peter said, his eyes flickering to my arm that still bled and showed where my canines

in his grip is a sandwich and some juice. “I’m a grown man Peter, a sandwich?” I asked sarcastically, standing to my feet. My

“Rose is coming here soon to start the first round…you may not want a heavy meal during the

door. He stared at me intently. “You


not even caring for manners. “How

and took the empty tray. “I’ll come back with Rose when she’s ready. In the meantime get a little

leaves, I am now once again surrounded in the dark quiet void. I hate it. A few minutes later and I heard the door creak open

Rose standing

in her eyes made me clench my teeth. The last thing I want is for someone to

says gently with a small

with.” I sighed, my heart

over to Peter. Can you leave us? Just

skeptical look. “You know I cannot do that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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