Avery’s pov

“Just a few more,” Xade called out from the bench.

He had been staring at me intensely the entire time I was doing pull up’s and it was honestly overwhelming to have his attention solely on me for that long.

I gritted my teeth. My abdomen ached and sweat glistens on my skin. I looked like a hot mess and felt like a hot mess.

I pulled myself up, breathing out the number I had been on. “Fifty.”

As soon as I hit the mark, I drop on my back, the sweat from my skin clinging to the mat. Xade got up from the bench and approached me, crouching down and hovering over me. He grinned.

“You’re tough given your size,” he teased, pushing out a hand for me to take. I grabbed his hand, my fingers interlocking with his. Tingles race up my arm and I gasp.

His eyes drop to our interlocked fingers and he groaned, quickly letting me go and standing up. “That’s all for today, we’ll continue this tomorrow, same time.”

I frowned, staring at his back as he walked away. The door to the gym opened and Christian and another guy stepped in. Christian spotted me right away and whistled.

boyfriend finally showed up?” He chuckled, moving over to the weight bench. The other guy beside him who I recognized as the one who spotted him the last time I came here,

eyes, standing up and dusting my hands on my tights. “Hey Xade! You have a clinger on your hands mate!” Christian snorted.

eyes an odd color that made me shiver

heart leaped in

and froze when as Xade approached him, closing the distance between them in chilling seconds. His cocky grin fades

felt scared

you just say?” Every word was a growl of pressed

The guy beside him shifted on his feet, looking at Xade with equal terror. He clearly looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here

was tempting even me to bend the knee and beg him. There’s a certain

my gaze, silently pleading with me to tell Xade to back off. But I am tongue tied as I watch the scene,

of it.

that girl over there,” he points at me. “Don’t watch her, don’t talk to her, don’t fucking come near

slacken into

He ground out while Christian’s face loses the color in his face. He honestly looked ready to piss himself.

seen a ghost. Xade stands there for a couple more tense seconds and then with a


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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