Avery’s pov

As the man’s voice crack through the air and startled us both, I squealed while Xade holds me close to him, shielding me as he growled out. “Leave!” To the man.

My heart pounded against my chest and my face flame with embarrassment. Some random man had just seen us….basically fucking. I buried my face further into his shirt, wishing that the earth would swallow me up so I’d not have to face this humiliating moment.

But of course as Xade continues to grip me I am smacked with reality even more. “Is he gone?” I whispered, embarrassed.

He runs his fingers through my hair in comfort, growls of some sort vibrating his chest. “He is. I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault some weird man knocked on the glass window of your car.” I pulled away, face so hot I know I am red. I avoid his eyes, fixing them on his shirt.

“Maybe you should drop me off now,” I whispered, my eyes flicking down to his hand on my hips, keeping me right there on him. Keeping me on his very hardened cock.

He reluctantly let go of me so I could return to the passenger seat. As soon as I settle myself on, I buckled and looked out in search of the man. There’s no one in sight.

I lift my fingers to my tingling lips as Xade starts up the car, driving off with a speed that should alarm and scare me but with him I feel unexplainably safe.

wondered if that man hadn’t come

even more so. I know that if we hadn’t

going to ignore what just happened?” I turn to him,

set forward but I can’t help but notice something is different not

at the steering wheel which he gripped hard. There are nail marks there, too

rip my eyes away in disappointment, looking out the window sadly. “I get

“I want more,” he grunted out. “Even though I shouldn’t.” He admitted. “But you’re mine baby,” he took his eyes off the road look at me for a second. “And I’ll

another glance, one so full of emotion, that my breath hitches. “I will burn the entire world for

that I ever could. The scent of her, the feel of her skin, just breathing the same air as her had been the true


pretty hair whipping through the wind as she waves

take it back. Dying now would be

wrestled in my body. Wanting to push out, the more he pushes the more the pain exceeds. I know I won’t be able to make it through the night. I can feel

in my head. ‘What the hell did

him to scream down my neck. We both knew it would have happened sooner or later. I was never one to be able to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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