Avery’s pov

Flashes, some quick while some long, ran through my head for what felt like hours. I am writhing in pain, my head unable to take so much all at once.

The migraine had gotten worse, the heat in the room seeming to suffocate me. And then the one that made everything come together. The night. Me on top of him. Me sliding him into me.

My gasp, his hold, his feel. His groan, my moan. I had given him my innocence. It had been him. It had been Xade. The memory, the connection between us, all had been real.

Why had I forgotten all of this? Why were all memories of him wiped out?

My best friend to my lover. The guy I love. Why had I forgotten him? I don’t understand.

A wave of nausea hit me hard and I gasped, curling up tighter into a ball. The pain in my head was pulsing and I closed my eyes tightly, calling out his name like a plea.

The door open, a shadow enters. “Avery?” Melissa called out, turning the light on. I whimpered, grasping the sheets.

“What the hell is going on?” She gasped, her rushing footsteps reaching beside me. I tried to peel my eyes open but the pain makes it harder. Her hand touches me and she gasped. “You’re burning up!”

I’m surprised by the sound of her worried and scared tone, especially with how we left things earlier. But perhaps she had a heart in her body after all.

I gripped her arm, forcing my eyes open. “I need Xade.

darkness take

am not in my dorm room but the

head still throbbed but it had lessened a lot from earlier. Now it was almost like a dull ache. I shifted and

I hated hospitals.

look around, plain white walls, medical equipments…..my eyes snap to my arm.

seems Melissa called 911 after all. I bit my lower lip, my eyes moving off the IV to the door that

her worried eyes on me. “You’re finally awake,” she breathed out in relief and rushed to my side. Her

and wouldn’t wake up

I remember everything now, down to how we first


But why?


you worried about him? You have other things to

understand. She

did I end up in the dorm with the again?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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