Avery’s pov

I felt like the ground had opened up and crumbled, sucking me into a void hole. What the hell is he talking about? Animal DNA?

“Animal DNA?” I repeated, testing the word on my tongue and it felt strange. As strange as hearing it.

He nods, eyeing me intensely. “Yes,” he respond, pushing up his glasses that slid down his nose. “We need to run further tests to understand what is going on. Especially with you being pregnant, it would be safe to be checked.”

“What kind of animal?” I whispered in disbelief, unable to come to terms with what I am hearing. I don’t understand. Things were jumbled mess around me.

I have run blood test before and no doctor has ever told me they’ve seen animal dna in my tests. Perhaps they made a mistake.

The doctor and the nurse exchange looks, before he brings his eyes back to mine. “Wolf.” He utters. “But we can’t discuss further because we too have not run enough tests to be sure-

“You must have gotten it wrong.” I said, trying to wave this off as a mistake. “Rerun the tests. All of them.”

given your condition it is crucial we run another tests to make sure everything is accurate as possible. But to do that, you need to lie back on

Melissa who had gone silent, her eyes losing focus as if she

hesitated. I wanted to go to Xade. Yet the information the doctor had just shared with

the bed, putting back the IV I had harshly taken out not too long ago. I sink my teeth deep into my lower lip, frightened of the unusual

take a bit longer but we’ll make sure to get back to you as

the nurse worked on drawing out my blood, I closed my eyes, clenching them tightly as I try to steady my frantic

a few. Now the room had gone quiet as Melissa sits on the chair beside

your mom,” she whispered, yet she seemed so far

I said quickly. “I don’t want to worry her and want to make sure I know what’s actually going on first. She’s someone who’d drop everything and come here and

goes in like this for what felt like an hour but had only been a few minutes. “What do you think he meant when he said you have animal dna

with a question I had no clue on how to respond.

shrugged. “Could have been a mistake.

then shift her eyes to my stomach. “Are you going to get

her sudden question. I press my hand to my stomach as if I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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