Xaden’s pov

It wasn’t only because of her sudden appearance that had me so paralyzed with shock on the spot but….the scent that hit me as soon as I breathed in.


Bloody fuck.

Things has now even more complicated than it had already been those accusing angry

And her eyes, those accusing angry storms….recognition. She knows me. She remembers. How was this possible?

“So much for being your little sister Xaden,” she begins to hiss. “You abandoned me just like he was trying to do,” she snarls and I remain frozen, remain mute.

Her frustration shows on her face and she forcefully pushes her way passed me, snarling over her shoulder. “You and that stupid idiot of mine have some serious explaining to do-

She stops when her eyes land on Henry and then they skit over to Kaylee, then back to Henry. Her eyes widen. “You’re that man who knocked-

Henry eyes twinkle with amusement, “On the window to stop you and Xade from fucking in the open? Yes. Yes I am.” He cuts in.

face reddened brightly and Henry snorted. “I’ve seen

warned. He puts his hands up

at me, confusion a clear mask on her face. “Who are these people Xaden?” Her tone had a slight accusing edge to it that made me wince. I looked over at

had been following them

With his ranking, he would have been able to know right away by her scent that she was

“It wasn’t my place to say. Your brother should have been able

is dying! He wouldn’t have been able to pick it up and you fucking know it!” I snarled, causing Avery to flinch away from me, her eyes widening and her

scent only changed a few days ago,” he shrugged. “Again, wasn’t my place

itching to throw a punch

“If he knew-

have changed his mind,” Henry shrugged.

growled low. “You don’t know my brother!

room and knew nothing of

freight. “Is,” I practically hear her swallow hard. “Is Xáde,” her voice shook and I am afraid to look in

wasn’t in the best shape right

in her eyes but know I must tell her everything before it was too late.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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