Avery’s pov

My scream echoed off the walls as I watch the man who stood a few seconds ago, in human form, now turn into an animal, a beast, a wolf!

My heart pounded in my chest the rhythm scaring me. I stumbled back, my hand going to my chest as I look at the massive wolf staring back at me. My mind struggle to underhand what was happening.

Perhaps I was still in the hospital on heavy drugs and not really here. I must be drugged up. This wasn’t real.

“X-a-den,” I stammered, my heart now in my throat as the wolf shook its fur. “I must still be in the hospital.” I whispered, my voice shaky as I begin to pinch myself.

“You’re fucking scaring her Henry!” Xaden snarls.

He shifts to block my vision from seeing the huge wolf and I lift my eyes to his, terror filling my body. “Why am I not waking up?” I whispered as I pinched harder.

His eyes soften and he reaches out to, grabbing my hand firmly yet gently to stop me from my harsh pinching, trying to ground me into the reality I didn’t want to believe was true.

“Little V,” he started in a soft voice, coaxing me out of my frantic thoughts. I shook my head, swallowing. “This is a dream. A terrible dream.” I stammered on a shaky tone.

He gripped my hand harder, trying to pull me out of my head. “You’re not dreaming,” he said softly, holding me tight as if he was afraid I’d run for the hills.

“I know this is hard for you to grasp but this is real. What we are,” he swallowed and his Adam apple bobs. “Is real. We are werewolves.”

I shook my head, tears welling up in my eyes. This must be a joke. A silly joke. Yet, his eyes, Xade’s eyes.

They were feral, wild, beast, animal. There were times where he sounded more animal than man too. And when we had sex, his groans and bring of pleasure sounded so beast like.

I tremble.

The test results. They said I had animal DNA in my blood. Does that mean our baby……..I am carrying a werewolf in my belly?

Xade….was a werewolf?

to believe little V,” Xaden croaked. “But trust me we didn’t want you

to blur and then I’d wake up. But the longer I stand and stare into his eyes, reality

This was real.

They were real.

he tell me?” I choked out, my throat hurting

years we have been so close, best friends. I thought I knew every part of him and he knew

he not trust me

the same again. He thought he was protecting you from our world. We

around the room and tug my hand out of his hold. “Keeping that you two are not really human


our world is far

pained sound comes from down the hall and my heart stops.

and rush down the hall toward the room where the sound came from. I didn’t care that I had just learned that he was a werewolf or care that he kept

that vow we did when we were younger. A vow we


It was hanging for its dear life. I giggled and he glared down

twelve he was a lot taller than the guys in our year. It’s

Why do I have to wear this stupid thing again?”

hand. He was dressed in a tux too,

were playing wedding and it was Xaden’s idea to marry us.

I had no choice but to play along and let him use us

may say your vows.” Xaden groomed his voice into a fake manly one

eyes warming

first moment I saw you,” he started, his voice soft and gentle. “I knew you were the one. I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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