Avery’s pov

His eyes widen and they drop to stare at my stomach in surprise. “V,” his eyes lift to mine, searching them and I nod.

“I’m pregnant,” I whispered, my heart skipping as I wondered if he would like the news or not. I bit the inside of my cheek, scared of his reaction.

“I just found out not too long

I admitted.

His eyes filled with tears. “Avery,” those tears snake down to his hairline. “I’m sorry,” he cried out, voice trembling with pain. “I’m so sorry I did this to you.” He gripped my shift in his hand, wrinkling it.

heart racing. “What are you

I hold his hand, my heart racing. “What are you sorry for?” I whispered. “You did nothing wrong. It takes two to tango,” I cracked a shaky smile and flick my eyes down to his hand.

“Beside, I kind of love that I have a part of you growing inside me.” I look just in time to catch the emotions in his eyes. Fear. Love. Yearning. Doubt.

his voice cracks, causing my heart to shatter with it. I didn’t like to hear him this way, nor see him like

that I am going to save you for us both,” I said

hand over his so he can grip me and tug me closer to him. I kneel beside the bed and his

I couldn’t resist you Avery.

It was meant to be.” I

save him.” I urged, hating how shallow Xade’s breathing

my brother is trying to make you understand Avery is that saving his life can potentially end your

want to mark you fully,” Xade’s weak

coughed, pressing his palm to his mouth and when he retracts it a bit of blood decorated

voice. “There was a chance you’d die because you won’t be able to be

Xaden for confirmation. “You talk about mark. A wolf’s mating mark? Why does he need to

back at me. “Because

I tasted the foreign word on

a fate that entwines both souls into one,” his eyes move to Xade and back

bond between mates are powerful, one not easily broken. Marking is a way to solidify the bond. It’s like human marriage where the couple vows to be together forever

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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