Avery’s pov

The weight of the news made my tummy hurt and my heart aches. It felt like someone had struck their hand through my chest, got a grip on my heart, and squeezed it until it bled. My knees grow weak as the room begins to spin around me.

Xade is right behind me, pulling me in his arms as I looked at the screen in horror. Xaden takes the remote from me and switches the channels, but every single one that came up seems to be talking about this “very dangerous patient” who escaped, aka me.

Xade growled harshly. “Put it off!”

Xaden obeys and the TV screen goes black. But I can’t stop seeing that footage of me running down the halls while the anchor’s voice drew up a narrative that painted me as this so called dangerous fugitive.

“Did you see it?” Melissa whispered, her voice heavy with anxiety.

“Yeah,” I choked, my fingers gripping around the phone hard. “How….

excuse that I left to get a cup of coffee and when I came back you were gone. Then

sneak out. I only saw the news this morning and I don’t understand why he would say you’re a threat to society and dangerous.

you think this could be because of that animal DNA

my heart accelerating. Could that be the reason why? Why would

rest my other hand on my stomach protectively. They put

knock sounds at the door, then another. This time

updated,” she ends the call before I can respond and I keep the phone to my ear

his fingers through his hair. Xaden looks lost and confused and Kaylee looks unsure of what to do. That makes the two

would they put her up there like

furrowing. ” When was this

was the memories returning but Melissa called 911 and they brought me to the hospital. The doctor,” I swallowed nervously.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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