Avery’s pov

As we walked out, Xade keeps his arms around me, shielding me in a way that had me plastered to his side. ” Take our vehicle, it’s tinted,” Xadeon throw him the keys and Xade caught them with a nod. Xade throws him the keys to his.

Xade leads me to the vehicle, opening the door and making sure I am secured before closing it and racing to the driver’s side. I am a nervous wreck, looking at the people around, my mind racing if they recognize me or not.

They didn’t seem to, everyone look to be in their own world.

A firm warm hand lands on my thigh, pulling me out of my hassle of thoughts and I turn to him. His eyes are warm, searching mine. Relax baby,”

Ì nod, swallowing as I drop my gaze. He squeezed. “Everything will be okay, we will handle all of this together.”

I took a deep breath, hoping to calm my racing mind and heart. I use the warmth of his touch to anchor me into reality and peeled my eyes open when I feel like I had calmed down enough. I smiled at him grateful that he seem to always help me with simple touches.

door behind opens. Kaylee enters followed by Xaden. I can’t help but notice how extremely red Kaylee’s face was flushed. I bit my lip to not

and we all answered yes. As we drove the tension begin to fade and soon we all were

the look that woman gave you two?” I teased Xaden, turning around in my seat to look at him and Kaylee who looks flushed. She stammers and

move the seriousness of our situation off my shoulders by distracting

much of it maybe I’d not feel like a dirty criminal on

at me but the image he has obviously conjured up in his mind of the woman. “If Dad had not given me

trying to shrink into the seats. I bit my tongue to not laugh and throw my hand over my mouth to

the twitching of his fingers, I knew that he wanted to touch her and hold her. But he was sweet enough to not overstep since

the front, wanting to give the two needed privacy. I can’t help but smile. They remind me of Xade and I. Who

barely keep his hands to himself

He was happy.

for years. His features are so beautiful it makes my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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