Avery’s pov

After spending a bit more time with Xaden and Kaylee, Xade told me it would be best to visit Mom now rather than later. As we head to the car, I can’t help but be riddled with nerves. She doesn’t know I am here….

Avery,” Xade calls out my name, pulling me out of my nervous thoughts and I realize that we are now in the vehicle. He leans over me to buckle me in safely. “You’re lost in that pretty little head of yours again,” he utters worriedly. I am, there’s no denying it.

I smiled shyly because I could not open my mouth and lie to him. ” Just thinking, nothing to worry about,”

Xade frowns. ” Anything that worries you worries me. What is it?”

I chewed on my lower lip and then release it when I am about to speak. “I am afraid of how she’ll react,” I admit and he reaches out to interlock our fingers.

You’re her precious daughter, however she react, she’ll love you either way,” he whisper and the corner of my lips tug into a small smile and I nod. After a few more comforting words we hit the road.

we had to stop on the way to get the dress and a few other stuff one of the men bought on such short notice. I smile at him gratefully and Xade parked on the side of the road, the windows to

me in the rearview mirror. I rolled my eyes. ” I’d tell you to look away but you’ve already

After I was done I hop back to the front, buckling myself and looked at the slippers the man also bought to go

I wear in everything?” He knew everything down to my bra

my mission to know every single thing about


while nodding. ” Probably. I mean that’s called obsession right?

flushed and swatted

before it

to Mom’s. When we pulled up ten minutes later my heart starts to pound in my chest. I didn’t have to tell her about

was a threat in my life and I didn’t know what the future

Xade nervously. He leans across the center console to cup my cheek and pull me into a soft kiss that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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