Avery’s pov

Xade’s eyes widen in surprise and then he throws his head back and lets out a laugh that makes my insides warm. “You little vixen,” he teased, eyes narrowing on my face when he sobered up, a grin dancing on his mouth.

“You knew all along and decided to torture me,” his accusing tone was playful, making me grin at him all flustered.

“Did you think you were the only one in love with the other?” I smile, offering him the perfectly roasted marshmallow. He pulls it off the stick and tells me to open my mouth for a bite.

I do, biting into the gooey treat and sucking in a breath when Xade leaned forward to bite the other half, our lips brushing. He hums, and I moan at the feeling of his breath against my lips. He kisses me, softly and slowly, the taste of him and the marshmallow a burst of flavor on my tongue.

So sweet and delicious.

“God I love you,” He breathe on my lips when he pulls away, staring at me with a glint of the love he shows me. I smile, my heart beating for him.

were obsessed with?” he suddenly ask, making my brows furrow as I try to rake through my brain for that song he was referring to. When it comes into mind,

the song couldn’t feel more than what I would

nod. “In case you didn’t

swaps his thumb over the surface. I groaned when the song starts to blare through the phone. Xade chuckles, resting the phone

are you doing?” I ask, my stomach fluttering with little wild butterflies. ” Asking my girl for a dance,” his eyes twinkle with

as he gently pulls me to my feet. The music thrums in the air, and I gasp when he pulls me flush against

didn’t know,” his eyes brighten as he sings

spine. Even though these were the lyrics of the song, somehow it felt as if he were saying those words with all the meaning from his soul. And as he stares at me deeply

fire. I set my hands around his neck and let him sway me to the music as he continues.” And

though, I don’t tell you all the time,” he whispers, holding me tighter, letting me feel the beat of his heart against me. My

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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